Tempest Cooling Unit
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The Tempest/Revolve V3 Cooling Unit is where the airflow settings are adjusted for the stem.
It needs a 54.2mm length Tempest/Revolve sleeve, shorter than standard 62mm Dyna stem.
The Cooling Unit design gives a nice balance between cooling/conditioning and keeping the flavor of the vapor.
This version 3 didn't keep the Reclaim Screen Filter slots and the Draw Resistance Control engraved lines of the Revolve V2 CU.
As a RevolveV1V2 stem owner, I kind of miss the smaller airflow slot feature, for an easy and precise restrictive airflow adjustment.
Overall, this version isn't a downgrade at all, just a design simplification and a refinement for the Tempest Heater.
For newcomers, the Revolve V2 online manual has more detailed diagrams that are still relevant for the Tempest/Revolve V3 stem functions.
For users new to the Revolve stem, a quartz sleeve is also nice when discovering all the airflow settings.
Tempest Heater has also an adjustable airflow, users who are overwhelmed by airflow settings, can simply choose the Helix airflow tube and close the airflow from the stem.
Keep in mind that there is about 3mm of space between the top of the Bowl and the hot balls.
Depending on the Airflow tube installed, the Cooling Unit gives a different vapor path through the stem.
With the Helix airflow tube, vapor travels between the outside of the Cooling Unit (spiral) and the inside of the sleeve.
Consequences are:
cooler vapor temp
higher sleeve external temperature
more surface area for vapor condensate, reducing flavor and increasing cleaning maintenance
The flavor drop and increased cleaning are small drawbacks for the cool conditioning of the vapor, especially with the high convective vapor from the Tempest heater.
To me, it offers the same cooling as a simple glass j-hook, in a stem format.
The Secondary Cooling Unit (titanium spiral for airtube) impacts flavor too much for my liking, with the Helix airtube.
The sleeve temperature could be an issue for torch users, when doing intensive use without cooldown in between.
If the user draws too much hot air from the heater, the sleeve will get unnecessarily hotter, without an increased vapor production.
For big rips, users must use the Open airflow setting on the stem.
A big rip without any stem airflow gives two results: less to no vapor production; top of the load charred or combustion.
With the Direct airflow tube, vapor travels from the Bowl to the inner tube/condenser of the Cooling Unit.
Consequences are:
warmer vapor temp
reduce sleeve external temperature
less surface area for vapor condensate, rising flavor and reducing cleaning maintenance
For a Tempest native/stem use, the Direct airflow tube is better with the Secondary Cooling Unit.
The sleeve stays a lot cooler, but the vapor can be too warm for some users.
My choice of airtube for using the wood sleeve, or the Tempest stem 10mm WPA function.
If the user draws too much hot air from the heater, the airflow tube will get unnecessarily hotter, without an increased vapor production.
For big rips, users must open the Bypass airflow setting on the stem.
I clean my Tempest stem and Bowl every 20-30 loads, it's the same rate as my other devices.
When getting lazy/late on cleaning, I like to change the airflow tube, as it helps to make the vapor path inverted, get a few more bowls, but flavor starts to suffer.
Tempest/Revolve stem is all about cooling and airflow balance, an experienced user can switch settings for small and short tokes or big and longer draws at different vapor temp.
Vapor cooling, airflow, flavor, stem temperature, and cleaning frequency also change depending on the stem settings.
Tempest stem is a Revolve V3, here the compatibility chart:
First, the version of Mouthpiece and Airflow tube has to be paired together V1 MP + V1 Airflow tube V2+V2 V3+V3
-V3 Cooling unit only accept V3 and V2 Mouthpiece and Airflow tube
-V2 Cooling unit only accept V2 and V3
-V1 Cooling unit only accept V1 and V2
Secondary Cooling Unit needs a V2 or a V3 airflow tube
V2 Reclaim Screen Filter can clip and stay in place only into the V2 Cooling unit
All Tempest/Revolve sleeves fits all Cooling unit versions
Revolve/Tempest stems are compatible with all 8mm heater tips, but not the Vaphit brand SS tips.
These have a longer tip insertion (more than 5mm) and come in contact with the Cooling Unit, if fully inserted.